About Us

Our Story

Three aspirants, Three IITians and Three Losers grappling with sociology optional!!! How did we meet ? We just bumped outside the UPSC Bhawan in 2022. It was my third interview, and once again, success eluded me. Is there anything we could do to improve our sociology optional score? We lamented on a late night google meet. It was evident we were missing something crucial in our sociology optional strategy.

The Introspection

Sociology was a strange optional. It had a well defined syllabus that overlapped with some of the GS-1 portion. More importantly the questions being asked were repetitive. Year after Year similar questions appeared in the paper. Now this was both a boon and a bane. While it gave a sense that the paper was predictable it also meant that everyone else was almost writing the same mugged up answers. How could we make ourselves distinct in this sea of Near Perfect Answer Writers. Probably we knew the answer all this while. Its simple by applying the sociological concepts to the contemporary developments . To show that you have not only mugged those thinkers but can also connect them with current events.

How Sociocurrents was born ?

"I have an idea," I exclaimed. ....the other two replied Umm Hmmm and we knew instinctively that we are going to revolutionize how sociology was taught for the UPSC. We all believed in an idea that there is a smarter way of approaching sociology for this exam. We believed that you can score a decent marks even with the minimum but effective sources. No need of scavenging through loads of unwanted content. A total waste of time and effort. The solution was clear: read a basic number of thinkers, learn to apply them, connect with current affairs, and provide relevance in answers. This was much more effective than mugging up hundreds of thinkers and writing boring and abstruse answers. We had a solution, one that could help a thousand others like me. That’s when Sociocurrents was born.

Our Core values

What we stand for as a company is embodied in four core values. They form the foundation of our company and drive us daily:

  1. 1. Deliver the smartest sociology preparation content imaginable
  2. 2. Connect with every student and provide killer service. Your future is important and we want to help you succeed
  3. 3. Hire those guys who always say "I got it...I will figure out a way"
  4. 4. Create a casual work environment- We are obsessed with those start up cubicles and the animated discussions over google meet.

Do you think you can teach sociology current affairs better than us ?

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